This article raises the question of how much money, not to mention human suffering, could be saved if "sex tourists" from other parts of the world stayed home, or at least kept their pants zipped up whenever they are near a woman in Ukraine.
Not that it's likely to happen, of course. Just saying.
Meanwhile, until that unlikely day, people who are more responsible and caring can only do what they can to help alleviate the suffering caused by the more primitive and less progressive humans among us.
Dr. James Blanchard, director of the University of Manitoba’s Centre for Global Public Health, and Wendy Schettler, head of public health programs with Winnipeg’s International Centre for Infectious Diseases, are in Ukraine this week to help develop a model HIV/AIDS prevention program there in partnership with UNICEF. ...
A 2008 report by the World Health Organization, UNICEF and UNAIDS estimated the number of people in Ukraine living with AIDS had more than doubled since 2001 to 440,000. ...
Ukraine’s HIV epidemic was originally linked to intravenous drug use, but increasingly the infections have been transmitted through heterosexual intercourse and from pregnant mothers to their children. For female sex workers, the prevalence of HIV is 10 times the general population.
Full article here.
It is not possible to reliably diagnose HIV infection or AIDS based on symptoms alone. The only way to know for sure whether a person is infected with HIV is for them to have an HIV test.
People living with HIV may feel and look completely well but their immune systems may nevertheless be damaged. It is important to remember that once someone is infected with HIV they can pass the virus on immediately, even if they feel healthy.
It is important to remember that once someone is infected with HIV they can pass the virus on immediately, even if they feel healthy.
All the more reason to keep "sex tourists" out of the country. And in fact to ban the "industry" altogether.
But that won't happen until there is a demand for monetary and societal accountability from the "wild oats sowers" driving it.
Until that happens, scumbags will continue making big bucks off the backs of economically disadvantaged women and children, while taxpayers and society continue to pay the consequences.
Thanks for your comment. But how sad (not to mention disgusting) that debilitating illness is about the only thing that will stop "sex tourists" from endangering the lives of fellow human beings.
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